Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Yay! My Favorite

And as I burned my finger on the hotplate in lab, my entire life flashed before my eyes. Was I going to die before I achieved what I wanted on DC Cised? Wait, what exactly do I want to achieve on DC Cised?

In the midst of the allegations that my blog actually contains substance, I think it is time for me to issue some sort of mission statement.

First off, I just want to make it clear that this blog is not going to be a place for me to be a pretentious little bitch riding my high horse through homoville. You are not my itty bitty children and I am not Grandmother Willow. I'm not going to pretend like I know it all and offer ridiculous bits of advice that were never asked for. I'm not going to tell you how to think, how to act, and how to best be gay. Considering, I kind of have no idea myself, this is probably for the best.

Really, I just want this blog to be a reflection of who I am. I will tell you my stories. I will tell you what I'm thinking. Maybe I will slip up and tell you how I am feeling too. You can laugh if you please (but please don't cry). You can offer advice if you please (but please don't yell). You can insult me too (but please do so behind my back). And hopefully, all of this is enough to make DC Cised worth your time.

And after solidifying the mission statement, I immediately identify a rather large hole in the plan. How can this blog be a reflection of who I am if I don't really know who I am myself. As it stands, I'm somewhere in between gay and straight. Somewhere in between arrogant and
insecure. Somewhere in between biology and architecture. Somewhere in between Monday and Wednesday. There are so many important decisions that I have put off because I am too afraid to choose a path. So now I'm a million different things when I really should just be one. And as I walk down the quad, I've got my mohawk, I'm wearing a Woot shirt, I'm reading my lab manual, and I'm listening to Mariah Carey's Butterfly. But nothing seems to fit together.

Figure 1: Woot Shirt - "Yay! My Favorite"


Aek said...

Haha, that's a cute shirt. I approve. XD I want to see a pic of you with your mohawk . . . (Did you remove me from FB?)

Random Thinker said...

ummm... i think you described most of us...

not sure where we fit, who we are, often just trying not to screw up things too much in our lives...

and a few years from now you'll look back and realize you have actually found who you are by not being sure who you are...

and because that doesn't make a lot of sense, doesn't mean it's nonsense...

Enjoy the glorious weather.

Doug said...

Everyone's unique in their own way - you ARE "one" thing: you are YOU. Don't feel like you have to fit together into something.

But I really like that shirt also ;)

D. said...

awww that's an adorable shirt!

your blog's fine the way it is but if you feel like you gotta change it, then that's cool too!

dccised said...

aek: yes, but it was nothing personal

thinker: what glorious weather

dl: i think i'd rather be a little less unique please

david: thanks

dickophile said...

haha. that pic totally made me smile. wait. shit. im starting to feel better. im starting to forget him. fuck. what does lp look like???? i cant remember. oh how quickly we forget.

Aek said...

:( Sadness. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

You're listening to Butterfly, I therefore love you.

And I gather this is probably the wrong place to post this, as this post is like 6 weeks old but I'm glad I found you to fill my LP-shaped hole. I LOVE your blog.