I've created a Facebook account (DC Cised, friend me!). Maybe I will take pictures of myself wearing a dark hoodie and a baseball cap and sunglasses in a dark room with no flash. Maybe I will take pictures of myself naked.As always, you can chat with me on dccised (AIM) or email me at dccised@gmail.com. The funny thing about that is people often send me emails and message me, but after I respond, they just fall off the face of the Earth. Either they had a massive heartattack from all the excitment of talking to me or they figured out how stupid I actually am from my response. I'm hoping it's the first one.
I've also created a Twitter, so you can go traipsing through my thoughts and read about my everyday life. Please follow me so I don't feel like a complete loser.
I've even created a fan page for you fans out there. Yes, all 3-4 of you. Now you can proudly proclaim your devotion to me on your profile. And your friends can stumble blindly into my blog and stop being your friends once they realize what it's actually about.
forcat ladies a 1 an aujourd'hui !
3 years ago
Can I marry you? Oh wait, California voted against it. Rock paper scissors for the sex change?
This blog never fails me. I shall follow you on Twitter.
I went to your facebook fan page and was ABOUT to become a fan, but then wasn't sure about revealing my embarrassing photos to you... lol.
So instead, I'm going to stalk you through AIM first. Guess I'll chat you up there ;)
I added ya to my AIM, mine is "RndmThnker" and facebook...
yet, I promise not to stalk ya.
I follow this blog; and I'm following you now on Twitter.
LOL I was gonna make a facebook for my blog too! Let's be facebook friends? :D
I've got no shame in facebook stalking btw. Hope ya don't mind.
FB? Twit? Fan Page? Ummm...begining of the semester procrastination? Hell finals aren't until May...
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